Dr. Negiel Bigpond is a full-blood Euchee/Yuchi Native American whose family was on the Trail of Tears. His Yuchi name is Au was day, which means Sky Hunter, One Who Seeks Vision. Dr. Bigpond is the Apostle of Morning Star Church of All Nations in Oklahoma and gives apostolic oversight to other churches on and off reservations in America. He travels worldwide, evangelizing and representing Christian Native Americans, teaching about forgiveness, not only from the Native American perspective of historical atrocities but also the spiritual significance of forgiveness as it relates to all people.
1 Season available
The Gathering Place
Dr. Negiel Bigpond is a full-blood Euchee/Yuchi Native American whose family was on the Trail of Tears. His Yuchi name is Au was day, which means Sky Hunter, One Who Seeks Vision. Dr. Bigpond is the Apostle of Morning Star Church of All Nations in Oklahoma and gives apostolic oversight to other churches on and […]
The Gathering Place with Dr. Negiel Bigpond
Dr. Negiel Bigpond is a full-blood Euchee/Yuchi Native American whose...
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