Shifting Atmospheres. Stirring Nations. Strengthening Generations. Ron Teal is a prophet, reformer and revivalist. He speaks with a strong and clear prophetic voice to understand our times and era. He operates with a father’s heart for the next generation and longs to see a true spiritual awakening in our day that transforms cities, regions, and nations. Join Ron in The FLOW today!
1 Season available
The Flow
Shifting Atmospheres. Stirring Nations. Strengthening Generations. Ron Teal is a prophet, reformer and revivalist. He speaks with a strong and clear prophetic voice to understand our times and era. He operates with a father’s heart for the next generation and longs to see a true spiritual awakening in our day that transforms cities, regions, and […]
THE FLOW with Ron Teal
Shifting Atmospheres. Stirring Nations. Strengthening Generations. Ron Teal is a...
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