In February 2007, Greg Hurd and his wife embarked on an incredible journey of faith, founding Lake Church with a passion to transform lives and build a thriving community built on Jesus Christ. Over the years, they have poured their hearts into every aspect of the ministry, from hands-on leadership to shaping the future of the church.
Today, they serve as the visionary leaders of Lake Church, guiding the staff, clarifying the church’s mission, and passionately communicating God’s Word to the congregation. Under their leadership, Lake Church has flourished, offering not only spiritual growth but also educational excellence through Treign Christian Academy (serving students from Pre-K to 12th grade) and Treign Bible College, where faith and knowledge intersect to prepare the next generation of leaders.
The Hurds are more than leaders—they’re dreamers, teachers, and inspirers, helping others discover God’s purpose for their lives every single day!